Putting line drawings in a frame doc

Combs, Richard richard.combs at Polycom.com
Wed Nov 14 06:54:54 PST 2007

Theresa de Valence wrote:
> One of my techniques for quickly conveying an idea is to use 
> a small line drawing (lines, boxes, circles and text). I have 
> been doing these drawings in Frame for many years, having 
> never developed any greater flexability with any other 
> drawing software.
> These drawing files are imported as Text Insets.  

If you're using FM's drawing tools, why not just create the drawings in
the FM doc in which they appear? You can draw in a graphic frame placed
on the page, if you don't want the graphic to flow with the text, or in
an anchored frame if you do. A text inset seems a singularly awkward way
to insert a drawing.
> In this way I have NO control over how the drawing appears in 
> the document flow. If I put the drawing into an anchored 
> frame, my only choice is "run into paragraph" which places 
> the drawing on the left side of the paragraph.

Your only choice? You don't have other Anchoring Position options (Below
Current Line, At Top of Column, At Bottom of Column, etc.) and Alignment
options (Left, Center, Right, etc.) in the Anchored Frame dialog? (And
you can't change the alignment, indents, etc., of the container
paragraph either?)

Either something's wrong with your FM installation or you're doing
something quite odd with this text inset procedure. How are you doing
this? Are you creating the drawing in an anchored frame in the source
file and importing the flow in which it resides into your destination
(main) flow? Or are you importing into a text frame inside an anchored
frame in your destination (main) flow? 

Have you tried just creating an anchored frame, playing with the size,
anchoring, and alignment, and then proceeding to draw inside it? I think
whatever's causing your lack of placement control has something to do
with your text inset importing process, and I suggest dumping that. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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