Odd maths font problem... solved!

Steve Rickaby srickaby at wordmongers.demon.co.uk
Tue Sep 4 06:51:15 PDT 2007

A friend suggest the following: 'Are you certain the author is using Symbol for his equations? Other typefaces probably contain math symbols.'

He was right. I remembered where to go in the bowels of the Equation Editor to find out the default fonts, and lo! The originator of the documents not using Symbol, he's using a font called called 'MathematicalPi'. Which I do not have. Changing it back to Symbol magically restores the equations to health, more or less and aside from a few spacing issues.

Moral 1: FrameMaker reports and handles missing fonts really well... in the text. In the Equation Editor, it fails to report a missing font, silently subs the wrong one, and crashes if you try to edit the equation in question. Nice.

Moral 2: It's perfectly possible to learn something new about FrameMaker every day.


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