OT: Alternative to WWP

Murray Moore m.moore at csdcsystems.com
Mon Apr 7 08:34:27 PDT 2008

FM 6.0, WWP 2003 for FrameMaker

Using WWP and the WebWorks Help template I convert FM books to 
individual Help files, e.g. FM Book A, B, C, and D becomes FM Book Help 
A, B, C, and D.

Customers of the company for which I work, from the company web site, 
can download these Help files. But a client can use only one Help file 
at a time.

On occasion, using WWP, I create multi-volume help for a client, e.g. a 
Help file which is a combination of FM Book Help A, B, C, and D.

My manager is keen for our customers to have the ability to download two 
or more of FM Book Help A, B, C, and D and without my assistance create 
a multi-volume Help file.

You are a client. You have downloaded FM Book Help A, B, and D, i.e. 
three individual help files. How do you merge them?

Murray Moore
CSDC Systems Inc.
Mississauga, ON

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