Default anchored frame settings

Peter Gold peter at
Tue Dec 2 11:43:13 PST 2008

Hi, Nancy:

On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 1:29 PM, Nancy Allison <maker at> wrote:
>  Ah, you misunderstand. The reason I ask for recommendations is that
> I'm CHEAP, and the license costs $25.00, which would come out of my
> impoverished, freelancer's shallow pockets.
> Don't want to spend the dough if there is any question about the tool,
> or if there is some other tool out there that provides both that
> solution and, I dunno, makes my breakfast and sings the national anthem
> as well, for the same $25.00.

Consider that Bruce Foster, who created this plug-in, and others that
have been helpful mainstays to the FrameMaker user community for many
years, is also an individual creator, not a large company. Paying a
modest price for a useful tool rewards their creators and keeps them
motivated to maintain the existing tools and develop new ones.


Peter Gold
KnowHow ProServices

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