Installing Acrobat 9.0 taking FOREVER??!?

John Hedtke john at
Wed Apr 22 07:20:18 PDT 2009

I just re-installed Acrobat 9.0 Pro Extended off the Adobe TCS 2.0 
and it took very close to two hours.  Nope, nothing special, but the 
histogram just s-l-o-w-l-y crawled across the screen and a mere two 
hours later, it seemed to be done.

Is this normal for Acrobat 9.0 or for the Tech Comm Suite 2.0?  I 
have no way of knowing and there's no telling what Adobe may consider 
acceptable.  Thoughts?

Yours truly,

John Hedtke
Author/Consultant/Contract Writer <-- website
541-685-5000 (office landline)
541-554-2189 (cell)
john at (primary email)
johnhedtke at (secondary email)  

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