Way to save Frame9 files in Frame7 format?

Oran Petersen orandeep at comcast.net
Sat Aug 1 15:54:50 PDT 2009

I have a machine with 7.1 and a machine with 9.0. Frame 9 offers a Save As option of MIF 7.0. I used it on a couple of Frame 9 files, transfered the mif files to the 7.1 machine, and opened the files with no problems. If you are using special characters or fonts outside the normal Unicode set you might have to fix those, but otherwise it seems pretty clean. 


Message: 6 
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 2009 16:17:40 -0600 
From: "Fausset, Marilyn" <marilyn.fausset at snia.org> 
Subject: Way to save Frame9 files in Frame7 format? 
To: <framers at lists.frameusers.com> 
        <7FE20DCBBC9CD747A29DF177CD0E002D0C98F427 at VS6.EXCHPROD.USA.NET> 
Content-Type: text/plain;        charset="us-ascii" 

I edit a huge spec with multiple authors (mostly engineers) at multiple 
companies (spec is vendor-neutral). Currently there are well are over 
two hundred Frame files (plus other file types) in the several Frame 
books that make up the spec-and that's just the current version. I work 
on multiple versions as we develop it, test it, and submit it for ANSI 
and ISO acceptance. Some companies and individuals are having to convert 
to FrameMaker 9, but as a group we are still using Frame 7.2 

QU: Is there a plug-in (or other approach) for saving FrameMaker 9 files 
as FrameMaker 7 files? I don't have Frame 9 yet but understand that it 
doesn't give this option, although Frame 8 did. 

Currently we are using FrameMaker 7.2 for all spec work (without SP-3 so 
we can include Visio diagrams by reference), and we don't want to change 
yet (various reasons).  If this has already been discussed, I must have 
missed it. 


Marilyn Fausset 
Technical Writer 
Storage Networking Industry Association 
Phone: 303.543.8918 
Mobile: 207.467.1412 
marilyn.fausset at snia.org 
www.snia.org <http://www.snia.org/> 

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