Switching to RoboHelp for large-scale Frame-to-HTML Help Project

Tony Marek tony.marek at pdf.com
Thu Dec 10 10:40:31 PST 2009

Hello -- We're very interested in any input on our tentative plans to 
switch from WWPro to RoboHelp for our ongoing context-sensitive HTML 
Help projects. In particular, we'd like to know any of your experiences 
using RoboHelp 8 on multiple book sets that include large, complex books 
(2,000+ pages, thousands of images, hundreds of cross-references and 
hypertext links, etc.).

Our software product's UI Help buttons call topic alias markers which 
are included in the HTML output, based on markers that we've embedded 
throughout the content of our Frame books.

We're currently using WWP and encountering new problems with each patch 
they release. The product is proving too unstable for us to move forward 

Any thoughts on taking on a conversion from WWPro to RoboHelp? Our 
output has to be HTML, and it needs to be able to use some sort of topic 
alias marker system so the product's Help calls from various GUI's will 
be context-sensitive and open the correct topic in the HTML Help system. 
We assume that this would entail us upgrading to the latest Adobe 
Communications Suite. We're currently on Frame 8.

Thanks for any and all advice. 


*Tony marek
*/Technical Publications Manager

/email  /tony.marek at pdf.com_


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