Follow up on Handling Large Books in FrameMaker

Joseph panopticon23 at
Wed Feb 4 09:20:33 PST 2009

Hi all,

As suggested by several of you, I tried opening all the files at once. This
caused FrameMaker to have a seizure, freeze, and crashed. Then, I tried
copying the frame files and book to my desktop and it worked fine.  I had
always known that working locally with framemaker means everything processes
faster, but I didn't realize it made that much difference.  I work on 300 to
400 page books on this network, and FrameMaker handles those books fine. I
suppose its possible that 600 page books are the limit for the particular
network that I am on.

Unfortunately, due to work requirements, its no possible to work on local
copies and then copy them up at the end of the day. I did this at another
place I worked at because that company's network was so slow that you
couldn't do anything with FrameMaker on the network, and it worked great.


Joseph Lorenzini

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