difficulties using italics for index entries in FM 8.0

Lucie Haskins LucieH at att.net
Sun Jan 18 09:36:43 PST 2009

Hi everyone,

I've run into a very frustrating situation in creating index entries where, if I'm using  <Emphasis> .... <Default Para Font> combination to italicize certain entries or portions of entries, it plays havoc with the next entries in the list, the regenerated index combines the next entry into the one I italicized.

I cannot figure out what the problem is... or if this is a known bug with FM 8.0

Here's an example....

Munich Medical Weekly (publication)
     Jesionek's article 110, 111
     Sauerbruch/Gerson collaboration 92, 96
      von Weisl/Gerson collaboration 143

[Note the 84-93 appearing on a new line at the end... This is really a completely different entry...

Munich, Germany  84-93

Here is how I have the entries coded:

<Emphasis>Munich Medical Weekly <Default Para Font>(publication): Jesionek's article
<Emphasis>Munich Medical Weekly <Default Para Font>(publication): Sauerbruch/Gerson collaboration
<Emphasis>Munich Medical Weekly <Default Para Font>(publication): von Weisl/Gerson collaboration

<$startrange>Munich, Germany
<$endrange>Munich, Germany

On a related problem, If I have an entry that needs to be completely italicized, such as New York Times,

I've found that italicizing it as <Emphasis>New York Times<Default Para Font> will cause the entry to completely disappear!!! from the regenerated index and the page numbers will roll up into the previous (completely unrelated) index entry.

Any ideas?
Lucie Haskins

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