Need to have larger fonts in dialog boxes and for menu items

Sharon Veach at
Fri Mar 20 17:44:29 PDT 2009


How can I increase the font size of menu items and dialog box fonts?
I can increase the font size where I type, but I am having difficulty seeing
the fonts in dialog boxes. The File Open dialog box is particularly 
tricky, since
it is the first one that comes up, and its font size is minute.

In EPIC, you can use the following invocation:

epic -font encoding:iso88591-family:helvetica-size:14

When I try that by running:

maker -font encoding:iso88591-family:helvetica-size:14

Frame returns the message:

Warning: Cannot convert string 
"encoding:iso88591-family:helvetica-size:16" to type FontStruct

So, what is the magic format where a font encoding is readable by Frame, 
and then Frame can turn it
into a FontStruct that Frame recognizes?

Thanx for any pointers,

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