Hypertext markers: possible FM9 bug

Roger Shuttleworth rshuttleworth at avbasesystems.com
Tue Apr 13 13:48:39 PDT 2010

Hello All

Using FM9.0 p250 on Windows XP Pro SP3. Structured Authoring environment, DITA DTD.

We've come across a rather strange phenomenon when using hypertext markers. Here's the scenario:

1. Add a topic element and several nested tasks, concepts, etc.
2. In one paragraph, add an fm-xref element. When the DITA CROSS-REFERENCE dialog appears, click External Xref.
3. In the small dialog box, add the URL and the cross-ref text, e.g. "website", and click OK. The xref is inserted as a xref element (not fm-xref) and a messageURL hypertext marker is added, and the word "website" is a live link.
4. Add some more text in the same paragraph, immediately after the hypertext marker.

Now I can use the right-arrow key to move right, but I can't move the left-arrow key - the cursed cursor won't move to the left. Using the backspace key is problematic too. I can click in the previous text and move right, but not left.

I thought perhaps this was only happening on my (fairly old) machine, but my colleague has also noticed it on a new Vista box with lots of RAM.

Can anyone confirm this?


Roger Shuttleworth
Technical Documentation
AV-BASE Systems Inc.
1000 Air Ontario Drive, Suite 200
London, Ontario
N5V 3S4
Tel. 519 691-0919 ext. 330

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