Free FrameMaker and DITA webinar

Bernard Aschwanden (Publishing Smarter) bernard at
Tue Aug 31 05:46:40 PDT 2010

Hi to all:

If you find yourself considering DITA and FrameMaker and you have a FrameMaker legacy template you want to use, there are often
questions about migrating to the DITA world. To that end, I'm going to deliver a webinar for Adobe late in October. I want to extend
an invitation to everyone on the Framer's and the FrameMaker-DITA lists to join us.

The workshop details, including a link, are below. It is geared towards people who have a basic idea of what an EDD is and does, but
you don't need to be overly technical to "get it". If you want to figure out how to customize DITA and FrameMaker to work with your
template, this is a good starting point for you. I have a lot of clients who run into this situation, and there are many little
things that can be done to get started.

So, please feel free to join me in this Adobe supported presentation. If you belong to other groups that can benefit from this,
please feel free to forward this information as well.

Bernard Aschwanden
Publishing Smarter

Write Less. Write Better.

Webinar Title: Customizing Adobe FrameMaker for DITA Authoring

Date: Thursday, October 21, 2010
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EST
      10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PST

Description: When using Adobe FrameMaker to publish DITA, many questions exist about customization of the template. In this webinar,
Adobe Partner Bernard Aschwanden of will demonstrate how to customize the workspace to take advantage of
your own existing templates.  


How your content can be published, as DITA, using existing templates
How to apply headings, bullets and numbers, table formats, custom cross-reference tags and more
Best practices related to the use of your templates with DITA content
Tips and tricks to ensure your content converts cleanly to structure

Attend this free event and see how you can reduce the time, effort and cost associated with conversion and publishing of legacy
files if you are planning to work with DITA.


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