Unavailable fonts: more or less resolved!

Kristen Abbott Kristen_Abbott at Dell.com
Tue Jul 6 07:25:09 PDT 2010

Thanks to both Richard Combs and Art Campbell for their suggestions. I
did also spend a bit of time trolling through the archives the hard way,
before they sent me some easier search tips (thanks, guys!), and had
already found the 'turn off "remember missing fonts"' tidbit.


That helps, and I did also look on the Master Pages and Ref Pages and
didn't find anything obvious. But I bet you're right, it could be
lurking there.


As for mucking in the .ini file, I just might try that! I'm peeved
enough (and determined enough) to root around in there.  


Thanks for the help! This is a great list.




Dell EqualLogic | NDC Documentation Group

603-249-7877 | kristen_abbott at dell.com <mailto:kristen_abbott at dell.com> 

300 Innovative Way, Suite 301 | Nashua, NH 03062


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