Missing headers and page numbers in FM 8

Brad Simmons bsimmons at agleader.com
Mon Jul 12 09:08:37 PDT 2010

Steve Johnson wrote: 

"Simple thing, if you are printing to the Adobe PDF printer driver, you should be printing a .ps file, not a .prn file. Going back to FM6, I have seen strange problems in long books by not printing to a .ps file first so I've always done it that way. Compared to printing the same PDF six times it's not a bad tradeoff."

But Steve, since FrameMaker automatically generates a .PS file on its own, I cannot see the value in doing this manually. Either way, .PS happens. Why should the .PS file that is generated be of higher quality simply because I'm watching its creation? :)

So can anyone take a guess: Why is this happening? Why are the headers and page numbers appear as normal in the original FM file but dissapear during the .PDF creation process?

-Brad Simmons

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