Consolidated index

Milton, Cynthia cynthia.milton at
Mon Jul 19 08:29:35 PDT 2010

Classification: SERCO-PUBLIC

Hi All


FM9, XP.


I'm constructing a consolidated index of around 200 individual documents
and a 400-page book. I've created a book file containing the individual
docs and the book file.


I've managed to persuade it to produce an index containing the Subject
markers in the individual files (which are numbered by volume) and the
Index markers in the book (which is conventionally numbered). In the
consolidated  index the Subject markers are prefixed with W and followed
by <$volnum> and the Index markers with H followed by <$pagenum>.


The Subject markers work fine, but the index markers (referencing page
numbers in the book) are 14 out - they show a page 14 before the actual
page, e.g it shows 305 when the actual page number is 319.


The book reports itself (correctly) as 376 pages.  In the consolidated
book it reports as 355 pages (huh?). 


Any ideas? Unfortunately I work in a tin shed and can't find a brick
wall to bang my head against.


Cynthia Milton - 0773 889 5991

Technical Documentation (Cyclamen - Rollestone)


Classification: SERCO-PUBLIC

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