Changing font when translating to Japanese

Wim Hooghwinkel - idtp wim at
Fri Mar 26 12:13:48 PDT 2010

Hi Verner,


You use verdana, if it's the Windows Open Type font it will display Japanese
for the same. 


FrameMaker natively supports Japanese, so if your translator does a good job
you should be able open your MIF file without problems and see all in
Japanese .. 


The tricky thing of course is that you won't be able to do any text changes
etc. unless you understand Japanese.


Should you need to change fonts globally, you can create a Japanese template
with all the needed font settings. To globally change a font: open the MIF
in a plain text editor, search for the font name and replace with the font
name you want to use (change all). To see the correct font name for
replacement you can make a small test file in Framemaker and save that as
MIF. Open this in a plain text editor and look for the font, copy the name
(check differences in bold, italics etc and look for what part should be
replaced) and use that for pasting into your template MIF.


In a workflow you could make a script (Perl or VB) to run on each file after
translation and do this font replacement.

Kind regards, vriendelijke groet,

Wim Hooghwinkel

iDTP - Technical Communication Consultant

Adobe Certified Expert (ACE) in FrameMaker / NLDITA 2010

tel. +31652036811
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