Table footnote placement

Alan T Litchfield alan at
Thu Oct 7 12:44:29 PDT 2010


A table footnote is different to a text footnote, as you know, and I  
don't think there is a way to change that status. So I guess the only  
way around it takes two paths:
1. You take the text out of its table and put a frame behind it with  
no text run around. Don't how it would hold up to movement though.
2. Create a dummy footnote with white text in the main flow, and in  
the table superscript the footnote number.


On 8/10/2010, at 7:58 AM, Linda G. Gallagher wrote:

> Framers,
> FM 8.0
> I rarely use footnotes, but have several I need to add to a book. At  
> least
> one footnote appears in text that is formatted as a table, but isn't  
> really
> table. The text needs to be in a shaded box, hence the table (and  
> has been
> formatted this way in previous editions of the book).
> Is there any way to get a footnote for text that appears in a table to
> number and format like regular text? I need all footnotes to number
> sequentially and appear at the bottom of the appropriate page.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks!!

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