(FM 9) layout for die-cut side tabs with text?

Alan T Litchfield alan at alphabyte.co.nz
Sun Oct 17 14:15:53 PDT 2010

On 18/10/2010, at 9:39 AM, Edmondson, Becky wrote:

> HI Alan,
> I don't understand this--> "The page shown onscreen in Framemaker  
> (and different to page layout
> programs like InDesign that include the pasteboard) is the physical
> page that is enclosed by crop/trim marks. That means what you see on
> the page is that area that is bounded by the excess that will be
> chopped off when the page has been printed. Typically anything outside
> the page boundary will not exist when the job is done."
> My document size is 7.25 x 9 and the tabs will only be on chapter  
> headers, so they will all be right-sided pages. When I PDF the file,  
> I set the page  boundaries to 8.5 x 11 and turn on crop marks. What  
> I see in the PDF is the bleed exactly where it needs to be--0.2  
> inches outside the trim mark on the right side of the involved pages.

I have made some assumptions. That your book will have right and left  
pages, but I did mention that in my previous post, and that the tabbed  
pages will be within the FrameMaker files and that all the pages are  
tabbed (on that count I was wrong).

So, you are saying that the printed page size will be 7.25" x 9" but  
that the tabs will only appear on selected pages (the first page of  
each chapter). Then you have two approaches (at least):
1. Have a separate file for the chapter first page and its reverse  
that has a different page size to the rest of the document.
2. Have all the pages the same size (8.5" x 11") but provide trim  
marks on the standard page masters that use the same spot colour as  
the trim parks that are provided by FrameMaker.

In either case the first page of each chapter, unless is breaks the  
laws of nature, must have another side to it. Therefore you need to  
provide a page master for it because it will be different to all the  
other pages. It is left facing and it has a die-cut.

> Is there any reason this won't work?

Hard to say. I can't see what you can.

 From what you have described all the pages will be cut to trim 8.5" x  
11" but you said that the page size should be 7.25" x 9".

Alan T Litchfield
PO Box 1941, Auckland, 1140
New Zealand

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