To remove local formatting from a paragraph

Klaus Mueller mueller23 at
Wed Sep 29 13:59:42 PDT 2010

Hello Avraham,

For a detailed report of the paragraph format overrides
see the free FrameScript "Report: Paragraph Format Overrides":

Additionally, there are some other scripts regarding overrides:

Report: Format Overrides:

Show Paragraph Format Overrides:

Convert Character Formatting to Tags:

Kind regards,
Klaus Müller, itl AG

--- Original Message ---
From: Avraham Makeler
Date: 26.09.2010 20:15
> Hi all,
> In FM 7.2 how do you remove local character and paragraph formatting from
> a paragraph to return it to the formatting of its current paragraph style
> (tag). The formatting of its current paragraph style is as currently defined
> in the Paragraph Catalog (and which appears in the Paragraph Designer when
> you place the cursor on the paragraph.
> In MS Word, which I know better than FM, you would do this with a ResetPara
> command, whose shortcut is Ctrl+Q.
> avraham

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