A simple numbering question

quills at airmail.net quills at airmail.net
Tue Apr 5 19:19:15 PDT 2011

Not really. Let's consider what might be eligible as a reset format.

Obviously the first paragraph, such as the Chapter title would reset 
everything to zero. Heading 1, yes. Heading 2, yes. Headings down to the 
nth level, yes.

If you are doing procedures, your steps won't bridge headings, neither 
will lists. So basically, you only have headings reset your numbering to 

If your numbering stream includes tables and graphic captions they won't 
necessarily reset. If they do, then you will have them reset for 
chapters only, or some other high level structure.

So to make a numbering stream that includes both steps, lists, tables 
and captions you would use a pattern much like that below.

The first three positions are for three levels of steps, the next three 
are for three levels of lists, then one position for tables, and one for 

Chapter Title
N:< =0>< =0>< =0>< =0>< =0>< =0>< =0>< =0>

Heading 1 through x
N:< =0>< =0>< =0>< =0>< =0>< =0>< >< >

N:<n+>< =0>< =0>< =0>< =0>< =0>< >< >.
N:< ><a+>< =0>< =0>< =0>< =0>< >< >.
N:< >< ><r+>< =0>< =0>< =0>< >< >.

N:Table < >< >< >< >< >< ><n+>< >.

And so on.

Scott T

On 4/5/11 3:25 PM, Andy Kass wrote:
> Hi,
> At first, I really liked Jay's idea. Those NumberedFirst and NumberedAlphaFirst para tags in my own templates have been bothering me for quite a while.
> But the more I think about it, the less I think it is practical, or even possible. I see two problems:
> 1. With this solution, you need to reset your list numbering in every paragraph type that could come between numbered lists, but not in ones that are allowed inside a numbered list. And I'm not sure those two groups are mutually exclusive. For example, I could have a figure (in my figure anchor paragraph) both as a separator (and nothing else) between procedures and as a illustration inside a procedure.
> 2. Any tag that may separate numbered lists (by itself) cannot have its own numbering (because paragraphs can have only one autonumber series). So I cannot use headings alone between lists, unless I put all my autonumbering into a single series, but that would be even more confusing.
> I am wondering how you solved these problems. From what I see, you need to have usage rules such as "always put an intro paragraph or instruction lead-in" before a procedure (so that lists are separated and numbering is reset), or you need a more complicated numbering format on all your tags. And both of those seem more complex and error-prone than the NumberedFirst para tags.
> Thanks,
>    Andy
> ----------
> Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2011 13:58:56 -0400
> From: Jay Mahler<jay at mahler.com>
> To: "framers at lists.frameusers.com"<framers at lists.frameusers.com>
> Subject: RE: A simple numbering question
> Message-ID:
>          <2827841E8340F047862E0808EF03C9D91E754488E8 at winxbeus16.exchange.xchg>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> I agree. Zeroing lists with Body tags and some lists on each chapter or header tag is something I highly recommend. My Numbering format for Body tags often look something like this: N:<  =0><  =0><  =0>
> Then, I can have simple formats for Numbered, Numbered-A, Numbered-a, etc. There is nothing I hate more than a template required by a client that has a bunch of Numbered-1, Numbered; Numbered-A-1, Numbered-A, etc. formats. It just makes the document harder to maintain.
> Jay Mahler
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