Is there a way in FM10 to exclude Newline from TOC?

Combs, Richard richard.combs at
Tue Aug 16 08:56:20 PDT 2011

Fred Ridder wrote: 
> If you were to use multiple spaces in a row, the answer would be "yes,
> of course". But the point is to use non-breaking spaces in place of
> normal spaces in every location where you don't want the
> title/heading/caption to break. If the line needs to break, it will do
> so at the only place where it can: the plain space you leave in the
> desired location.

Non-breaking spaces work very well for controlling where headings break in the TOC. But if you use any cross-reference formats that include the <$paratext> variable, remember that the non-breaking spaces will appear in those cross-references, too, and that can lead to some ugly line breaks in body text. 

I suggest using non-breaking spaces in headings sparingly. Don't put them everyplace you don't want the line to break. Generate the TOC without them. Then, if a line breaks at a bad spot, use a non-breaking space only where it's needed to force the line to break at a better place. 

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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