Adding fixed text to a single chapter's page numbering

Combs, Richard richard.combs at
Mon Feb 7 15:10:13 PST 2011

David Millis wrote:
> I actually have figured out the Appendix page numbering that I wanted
> but now I'm stumped trying to get the TOC to reflect that same numbering
> format for the Appendix.

Keeping the conversation on the list allows others to benefit from it -- or to correct me if I tell you something stupid. :-) 

I see now what I missed before. You're hard-coding the "A" into the master pages instead of using the chapter number (<$chapnum>) variable. 

A better approach would be to put "<$chapnum-#>" in the footers. In Numbering Properties (via the book window, not in the file), set Chapter # for the appendix either to 1 and ALPHABETIC (N) or to A and Text. 

To make the TOC work, first of all, you need to be using a different paragraph format for the appendix title than for the chapter titles. Let's say it's called AppendixTitle. That's so that the generated TOC uses a different paragraph format for that entry, in this case AppendixTitleTOC. 

Then, in the reference page TOC flow, you just need to add the chapter number variable to the AppendixTitleTOC entry where appropriate. For instance, it might look like this (\t is a tab): 

<$chapnum> \t <$paratext> \t\t\t<$chapnum>-<$pagenum> 

In the generated TOC, that would look something like this: 

A	Title text of appendix ..............A-1

Of course, you can omit the <$chapnum> before the title, precede it with "Appendix," or whatever. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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