Flare vs Frame

Shmuel Wolfson shmuelw1 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 12 02:00:54 PST 2011

Flare is a full-blown single sourcing program, something like Structured 
Frame, and includes online help output. It's more complicated to use, 
but might be more powerful. I never used it.

You have to take into account that the downside to using more complex 
and less popular programs is that the company you are working for would 
be stuck with getting writers that know that particular tool.

Frame is a nice compromise of a relatively easy tool to learn, very 
popular and very powerful.

Just my 2 cents.

Shmuel Wolfson
Technical Writer

On 1/11/2011 3:18 PM, Paul Carr wrote:
> Folks,
> At my new contract, they have Word (och!) and want to output to compiled html (by which I assume they mean .chm).  They think.
> My audience is support folks for internal software.
> They think that they want to stay with Word for the source files because, down the road, anyone will be able to maintain the source files, since everyone knows Word.
> I would like to convince them to switch to Flare or Frame 8.
> I think that they might agree to switch if I can show them that it would be worth it.
> I told them that Frame would make the development of the .chm-friendly content much easier than Word, because of Frame's advanced x-ref options, for one thing. I believe that I can go from Frame to .chm. Never did it before.
> I am not familiar with Flare, so I could not "sell" Flare per se.
> Also, a key selling point would be writing software that would provide an online review environment in which the SMEs could make tracked changes to my document, and I could then accept or change or ignore their changes at my leisure.
> I do not see that Flare provides an online review environment for SMEs.
> Framemaker 8 did not provide this. I am not familiar with Frame 9.
> Could anyone offer any guidance on this?
> Thanks.
> best,
> Paul
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