Bullet size and bold text

Combs, Richard richard.combs at Polycom.com
Sun Jun 19 20:37:03 PDT 2011

Tim Pann wrote:
> This seems like a clunky and unnecessary workaround. Who of us wants an
> errant space character hanging out at the end of a paragraph?

[raises hand] I do! I do! 

In fact, I'd find it hard to _not_ type a space after a period, regardless of where in a paragraph it occurs. Muscle memory is pretty important in typing. Why would you train yourself to not hit the spacebar after a period in some circumstances? What possible benefit does it provide? As Fred noted, this "errant" (??) space doesn't affect line spacing or anything else. Why does it bother you? 

In fact, it has a couple of advantages I can think of off the top of my head. 

1) As Fred noted, when a char format (or ad hoc formatting) is applied all the way up to the pilcrow, it modifies the paragraph and creates an override. This is either a bug or the FM development team's subtle way of suggesting that all paragraphs should have a space at the end. 

2) The reason all paragraphs should have a space at the end is so that when you merge two paragraphs, you're not missing a necessary space. 

Fred's suggestion of applying a char format as part of the autonumber format is an excellent one. All my autonumbered pgf formats have their own char format (and mine, too, begin with "z"), even though some of those char formats set everything to "As Is." If that ever needs to be changed in the future, I can effect the change just by changing the char format and updating all. 

Also, you might want to think about why you're applying a char format to all the text in a paragraph. I've done that only very rarely and only as a workaround for an unusual layout problem. If you need to do this more than once in a blue moon, create a new pgf format instead. 

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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