Non-breaking hyphen in Index entries

Les Smalley l_c_smalley at
Tue May 24 14:42:43 PDT 2011

In the index file, you can turn off breaking on the hyphen altogether under Format > Document > Text Options and editing the list of characters that FM permit line breaks to follow.  
Once done, do not ever import document properties from another file into the index, or you will likely have to go in as re-edit the setting.
While Dave' suggestion has some merit, it is too specialized to this one example to be a a general solution, as other examples can easily be imagined that include the very awkward break on the separator of chapter and page numbers.
– Les Smalley

--- On Tue, 5/24/11, Dave.Stamm at <Dave.Stamm at> wrote:
Nancy -

I suggest and recommend editing "baking at high altitudes" to be "baking, high altitudes."

This makes the index entry more concise and might shorten it enough to avoid wrapping to the next line.  Sorry, but I don't know whether I've solved this problem otherwise.  If it can be done otherwise, I'm sure someone on this list will post the solution.

¡Good Luck!
Dave Stamm
Information Engineer

-----Original Message-----

I am being driven mad by a teensy technical question that I KNOW I have solved in the past.

I have document with chapter-page numbering, and an index entry that is a tad long, so it breaks like this:

apple pie, baking at high altitudes, 4-

When I go to the correct Reference page, I find the format set up as you would


I have tried replacing the hyphen with Esc hyphen h and with \+

Neither works!

What am I missing? I know I have done this before.

Many thanks. 
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