Integrating table footnotes into chapter flow.

Stuart Rogers srogers at
Fri May 25 10:14:59 PDT 2012

On 25/05/2012 12:16 AM, Alan Litchfield wrote:
> Hi Dan,

> I would change things slightly: 1. By formatting the text you said
> would be white as red, until proofing stage. Create a paragraph
> format and call it TblFtntPara. I would set the text to red, then
> change it the size to be 1pt and white. 2a. In the footnote text,
> insert a unique marker (sequential numbering or something). 2b.
> Create a character format and call it something like TblSupScrpt: the
> format will be superscripted, with all else "As is". 2c. Create a
> cross reference format that displays the footnote number only, and
> uses the TblSupScrpt format (like this<TablSupScrpt><$paranumonly>).
> 2c. Then for the superscripted number to appear in the table, insert
> a cross reference to the marker in the footnote. The number will
> appear superscripted, and will be the number of the footnote.
> Since these are cross references, you will need to run the update to
> see any changes are effected.

I would suggest a refinement.  The objective is to have footnote numbers 
in the body text just before the table, which are visible when editing 
but do not take up any space and are invisible when printing. These 
footnote numbers have footnote text at the bottom of the page, and all 
the numbering of footnotes is automatically sequential.

The numbers are "faked" to appear as though they originate in table 
cells by cross-referencing to the Footnote paragraphs, in the way that 
Alan describes above.  (I'm not sure what advantage there is to 
inserting unique markers, Alan?  You can just x-ref to the Footnote pgf 
type and select the appropriate pgf.)

To prepare for visible/invisible toggling, View > Color > Definitions 
and create a new colour (e.g., TableFN).  Then View > Color > Views and 
in View 2, move TableFN to the Invisible column.  Simply toggle from one 
view to the other when you alternate between editing and printing.

To use that visibility toggling and take up no space, create a tag for 
dedicated paragraphs that will contain only the table anchor and the 
footnote reference numbers intended to (re-)appear in the table. This 
tag should be set to Space Below of a negative value equal to the font 
size, and font colour TableFN (or whatever you called it).  (For 
usability by the next writer, you might give this tag an Autonumber 
string of "Placeholder for table footnotes" or other short explanation.)

In Table Designer, set the Space Above to the same negative number you 
used in Space Below in the anchoring pgf.  The combination of negative 
Space Above/Below will cause the table to overlap the anchoring pgf 

When editing a table with footnotes, temporarily make the anchoring pgf 
accessible by changing the table's Space Above to zero. In the anchoring 
pgf, insert as many Special > Footnotes as required by the table, typing 
the footnote text as usual. Then, in the table cells, insert 
cross-references to those Footnote pgfs.  When you're done, change the 
table's Space Above back to the negative number and toggle to colour view 2.

(PS: I also thought of defining the TableFN colour with the Don't Print 
setting, but that didn't work -- perhaps it only applies when creating 
colour separations?  I haven't used either feature; maybe someone else 
can clarify.)

Stuart Rogers
Technical Communicator
Phoenix Geophysics Limited
3781 Victoria Park Avenue, Unit 3
Toronto, ON, Canada  M1W 3K5
+1 (416) 491-7340 x 325

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