Question about these frameusers lists

Helen Borrie helebor at
Sat Jun 22 18:17:53 PDT 2013

At 10:05 a.m. 21/06/2013, Theresa de Valence wrote:
>My questions/replies get posted to frameusers after a day or so. I have been subscriber to these lists for more than 15(?) years but I had to delete/refresh my subscription about a year or two ago.
>Does this happen to everyone? Is there anything I can do to get my messages to post sooner?

I manage a large number of Mailman lists so I can tell you one or two things about the user management side of things that might affect the length of time it takes to see posts.

1. When a person subscribes (or is subscribed by an admin) the default is for the account to be moderated always.  That means your postings will wait in a holding area until someone gets to it, reads it and lets it through.

If yours is on 'Mod' it might be just an oversight or the list admin might have an issue with your usage.  You can send a message to the list admin (listadmin at and ask for your account to be unmoderated.  

2.  If you post a message using an email address other than the one you are subscribed with, again your message will await moderation because it is from a non-subscribed email address.  Again, it is up to an admin to get to it, read it and OK it.

In addition to one or another of these delaying factors, if you are posting from a different time zone than the one the admin[s] live[s] in, you need to allow for the fact that (a) admins are volunteers who have day jobs and other joys to fill their days and (b) your daytime might be their night-time and your weekends might be a day out from theirs, either way.

On the lists I manage, there are some users who are just plain hopeless at using the lists.  They post bulky, fancy, junky HTML when list etiquette really needs more consideration for others ( P L A I N   T E X T  without screeds of company notices and adverts) and they include huge graphics as attachments because they are too darned lazy to copy just the text of error messages.  Most lists are set up to put large messages on hold. The high limit is usually set pretty low, about 1 - 5 KB. 

Persistent offenders are the bane of a list admin's life as they waste so much of our time.  They tend to go on permanent moderation, which pretty much guarantees delays for them.


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