
Mike Wickham info at
Tue May 28 16:36:22 PDT 2013

With the FrameMaker 10 version of BookMIFWash, the documentation is 
ridiculously hidden in the fm_bookmifwash.c file. Use a text editor to 
view the file and you will find this at the beginning:

/* */
/* Copyright 1986 - 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated */
/* All Rights Reserved */
/* */
/* NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this */
/* file in accordance with the terms of the Adobe license agreement */
/* accompanying it. If you have received this file from a source */
/* other than Adobe, then your use, modification, or distribution */
/* of it requires the prior written permission of Adobe. */
/* */
/*The client will add a new Menu –Book Utilities when the books is in 
the current focus.
This Menu option will have following two sub-menus:
- Book MIF Wash: MIF Wash the book components. Before continuing the 
operation the
client will prompt the user to make a backup copy of the file set as the 
in the book will be overwritten after MIF wash operation. The client 
will then
open the files in book one by one, saving them as MIFs and also saving 
them back
to fm file format at the same time.
- Open all Book Components (Suppress Warnings): Open all components in 
the book with
suppressed warnings and alert messages. User would not need to click on 
fonts, missing graphics and other such alerts while opening the documents.

* ---------------------------------------------------------
* To Register your client with the FrameMaker product.
* ---------------------------------------------------------
* The FrameMaker product needs to know about your client to initialize 
it. To let the FrameMaker product know about this client, you must make 
some changes to the environment under which the client runs.
* 1. Copy the attached dll to FrameMaker 10\fminit folder in the Program 
Files installation directory.
* 2. Open maker.ini file in the FrameMaker 10 directory. Add the 
following lines to the [APIClients] section of the maker.ini file:
* MIFwash=Standard, MIF Wash, fminit\BookComponentMIFWash.dll, all

* Note: This is the format for the maker.ini client entry.
* ClientName=ClientType, description, path, mode
* ClientName is the name that the FrameMaker product and other clients 
use to reference your client. ClientType specifies your client type: for 
example, Standard, DocReport, or TextImport. description is a string 
describing your client. path is the pathname of your client’s DLL. mode 
determines what product interfaces your client supports—can be one of 
all, maker, or structured.

* 3. Launch FrameMaker 10. To verify that the client has been registered 
successfully open a new book. A menu bar with “Book MIF Wash” name 
should get added.

Mike Wickham

On 5/28/2013 1:21 PM, Judy Bragg wrote:
> I understand that Framemaker 11 comes with several Scripts/Utilities, 
> one of which is BookMIFWash. I'm interested in seeing how this works, 
> but I haven't been able to find any documentation on it

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