mapping table mystery--or is it misery?

Chris Despopoulos despopoulos_chriss at
Wed Sep 18 10:51:03 PDT 2013

>>I think I recall copy and paste from Word doing that. If you reformat
>>then the tag will no longer exist in the catalog.

Actually, copy/paste from Word can cause even more mischief. I never paste directly from Word into Maker -- I always paste into a text editor to clean the stuff out, and then copy/paste that into my document.  Why???

When you paste, Maker does the right thing and converts Word pgf styles into Maker formats.  But if you paste into a table, or if you paste a table, then the newly created format might end up in your table catalog.  Part of a table format in the table catalog is the default pgf format for a table cell.  But there's no way to get rid of that pgf format once it's there (except by editing MIF).  As a result, the pgf format might include a font or language you don't have on your system.  Then, whenever you open the document, you will get messages about unsupported fonts!  Yet you can never search through the document to find them and eradicate them.  I suppose this could lead to a crash if you save as PDF and the font is one that gives Acrobat serious problems (maybe, but not tested as far as I know).  

So the moral of the story is, really try to avoid copy/paste from Word into Maker.
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