Structured: about containers, other matter and chapter numbering

Mike Wickham info at
Sun Aug 17 17:20:19 PDT 2014

I can't give advice on structured FrameMaker, but an easy way to make 
the correct title appear on the running header of an unstructured book 
is to use numbering properties. I assume the same applies to structured 

1. In the files' appropriate master pages, insert the <$volnum> variable 
in the running header in a background text frame.
2. In the book file, select all files from one novella, then right-click 
and choose Numbering Properties.
3. On the Volume tab, click the Volume # radio button. Enter your 
novella title in the dialog box, and choose "Text" as the format. That's 
right. Numbering does not have to be numbering. It can be static text.
4. Click set.
5. Repeat steps 2-4 for the files in the second novella.

A novella is the simplest kind of document. It is basically straight 
text and not likely to have graphics, lots of variables, 
cross-references, hyperlinks, etc. It's not likely to even have many 
types of paragraph or character formats. I think setting it up as a 
structured document is probably overkill and a lot of unnecessary work. 
I would set it up using simple, unstructured documents, with properly 
assigned paragraph and character formats.

Mike Wickham

On 8/17/2014 4:56 PM, Theresa de Valence wrote:
> In order to get the two novellas to display the correct title of the 
> story (novella) on the master page, I understand I’ll need separate 
> books (nested). 

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