Page count even or no

Scott Prentice sp14 at
Thu Dec 18 09:50:07 PST 2014

It's my assumption that the purpose of a PDF is to represent a printed 
book, so I will typically include all the bits that make that PDF into a 
book if printed. There are still lots of people who print PDFs (or at 
least parts). If someone reading the PDF online has to jump over a blank 
page here or there, that seems like a minor inconvenience compared to 
the bad pagination when printed double sided. Whether you start with 
page "1" or "i" seems less important to me and I can totally see the 
point of forgoing the roman numbering, since that's a holdover from when 
the frontmatter was generated separate from the body. (I do still prefer 
the roman numbering, just because it "feels" better to me though.)

If you're providing PDFs primarily as "online documentation," that seems 
like a bad idea to me. PDF is a horrible format to read online. It's 
certainly fine in a pinch or if that's all that is provided, but a well 
thought out HTML-based (searchable and fully indexed) set of online 
docs, is much more efficient.



On 12/17/14 5:35 PM, Gillian Flato wrote:
> Do you guys still follow print protocols and produce PDFs with an even number of pages per chapter, or no, since everyone reads PDFs online and hardly anyone prints a manual anymore?
> Thanks!
> Gillian Flato
> Technical Publications
> Pi-Coral, Inc.
> gillian.flato at

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