Frame crash on Windows under parallels

Steve Rickaby srickaby at
Tue Jun 24 08:30:39 PDT 2014

At 10:57 -0400 24/6/14, Art Campbell wrote:

>But you guys are complaining about buggy behavior in an operating environment, an emulator, that is not supported by Adobe.

I'm sure this is true, Art, but I'm also fairly sure that it's an operating environment that Adobe would nevertheless wish to ensure was a bug-free as possible, as the Mac market is considerable.

To be pedantic, Parallels is not an emulator, it's a virtualizer, i.e. it leverages the chip-level support for virtual machines on Intel processors: Windows apps should see a 'perfect' Windows machine. Or so I have been lead to believe, although my grasp of such exotica is shaky these days.

Steve [about to embark on Parallels, somewhat nervously...]

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