making stuff unconditional in FM12

Zimmerman, Gary Gary.Zimmerman at
Sat Mar 29 16:08:07 PDT 2014

I swear it's like the Adobe FrameMaker developers do absolutely NO usability testing, get absolutely NO feedback from existing customers, focus groups, or anything else before they foist on us a crappy, untested GUI that their offshore developers implemented in some kind of cultural vacuum.  (Not offshore culture so much as programmer culture - before any programmers get offended, there are plenty of exceptional programmers who have a GREAT sense of usability and customer needs - apparently Adobe hasn't hired any for the FM team, nor any usability/human factors consultants.)

The programming underneath may be great (I doubt it, with the general fragility of the thing for many releases now), but the usability if off-the-charts bad.  Like something designed by a bunch of college programmers who have no concept of building a usable product, but instead think "more is better" so they toss in everything figuring that they'll have something for everyone, and end up with such a hash salad that you spend more time jumping through GUI hoops than you do productive writing.  (Remember what college kids did when word processors introduce lots of fun fonts to play with - the FM 9 and 10 GUI is pretty much the GUI equivalent of "ransom letter" tech writing.)

I can remember when FM was unquestionably a better choice than Word for any serious documentation work.  Now they're approaching parity.  I don't know about FM8, but when we jumped from 7 to 9, it was all downhill after that.  We're on 10 now, debating upgrading.  We're also moving to a DITA CMS and Xmetal editor - much less powerful, but it does what it needs to do without being an obstacle to the writers.  We didn't even consider using FM as our XML editor, though the transition might have been less of an issue for our writers who are used to FM.

Sorry to rant.  I LIKE FM.  I'm just so sorry they messed with the GUI and messed up so badly with 9 and onwards.  They may fix it to be decent again incrementally, but like Windows 8, they should have scrapped the whole thing when they realized what a horrible blunder they made instead of turning a deaf ear and insisting everything was great for so long, when real users knew it wasn't so.  Credibility gone.  Maybe 11 is better, maybe 12 even better.  Don't know if I'll ever get to try them.

-- garyZ

From: framers-bounces at [mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of Rick Quatro
Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2014 7:50 AM
To: 'rebecca officer'; framers at
Subject: RE: making stuff unconditional in FM12

Hi Rebecca,
I see what you mean and agree that if you want to quickly remove all conditions from a selection, it is painful. They should put the Unconditional button back in, or have a modifier key were you could uncheck everything with one click.
Rick Quatro
Carmen Publishing Inc.
rick at<mailto:rick at>

From: framers-bounces at<mailto:framers-bounces at> [mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of rebecca officer
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2014 11:19 PM
To: framers at<mailto:framers at>
Subject: making stuff unconditional in FM12

Hi everyone

I just went looking for the "unconditional" button in the revamped Conditional Tags pod in FM12. It ain't there.

Am I just being blind? Or is there another one-or-two-click way to make stuff unconditional?

At the moment, it looks like I either have to go the Copy Special route, or manually untick all the tick boxes. To add insult to injury, they go On > As Is > Off, so I have to click each tickbox *twice* to clear it. Seriously, Adobe??


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