making stuff unconditional in FM12

Steve Rickaby srickaby at
Sun Mar 30 04:22:28 PDT 2014

At 23:08 +0000 29/3/14, Zimmerman, Gary wrote:

>Sorry to rant.  I LIKE FM.  I'm just so sorry they messed with the GUI and messed up so badly with 9 and onwards.  They may fix it to be decent again incrementally, but like Windows 8, they should have scrapped the whole thing when they realized what a horrible blunder they made instead of turning a deaf ear and insisting everything was great for so long, when real users knew it wasn't so.  Credibility gone.  Maybe 11 is better, maybe 12 even better.  Don't know if I'll ever get to try them.

As someone who is about to make the transition from 7 on Mac to 10, or possibly 12, I find this very depressing. I have never had any gripes - or maybe only a few trivial ones - with the GUI in 7. Its shortcut keyset is programmed into my fingers, to the extent that I get annoyed when other apps don't respond to them - or, worse, do something completely different ;-) I am not looking forward to FrameMaker for Windows.

As for Rebecca's original gripe, in 7 I'd go the right-click and Copy Special route by default, but I guess it must be really irritating if the relevant bit of the GUI doesn't appear.

In another part of the Universe, I've seen a Word Ninja program totally around the interface using a combination of VB macros and GUI customization: maybe programming around the FrameMaker 10/12 interface is a useful approach? Can this sort of thing be done with scripting? A question for Rick, I guess...

Onwards and upwards... or possibly not.


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