Flare vs DITA

Robert Lauriston robert at lauriston.com
Mon Apr 13 09:14:27 PDT 2015

Flare's not a DITA authoring tool the way Oxygen, XMetal, or
structured FrameMaker are. Oxygen is kind of like a DITA-based Flare.

Flare can export DITA, but since Flare's source is not as structured,
the DITA output might need some work before it would be usable.

Anything you *can* do with Flare would probably be easier than doing
the same with DITA.

On Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 8:09 AM, grant at hedgewizard.net
<grant at hedgewizard.net> wrote:
> My apologies for the format; I seem to be thinking in bullets this morning.
> Flare is a tool; DITA is a standard (or collection of standards).
> You can use Flare to produce DITA
> (http://webhelp.madcapsoftware.com/flare11/Content/DITA/About_DITA.htm)
> There are multiple other tools that can produce DITA output (which is
> basically a subset of XML).
> You can do topic-based writing for other formats. (I did that for WinHelp
> and WebHelp for years.)
> As Shmuel notes, the big step with DITA is that it has a focus on typed
> content, which can allow you to do additional things with the content more
> easily.

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