FrameMaker becomes unresponsive while running the script for the 2nd time

Bhavna Raghwani bhavna.raghwani at
Mon Jan 26 00:21:01 PST 2015

Hi Framers,\

 I am trying to run to traverse through the paragraph tags in the book
files and check for a condition applied on them using  the following script:

var openedBook = app.ActiveBook


//savePdf(openedBook,bookFile + ".pdf")\

   var arr_ChapterIds=new Array();

 var bookChapter=openedBook.FirstComponentInBook

  var chapterId =

 var pgfText = null;

var msg = null;

var totalPgfs = 0;

 /*  Calculating the number of chapters in the book */



     var chapterId =

    var chapterName = bookChapter.Name


         if(chapterId!=0 && chapterId!="")




         bookChapter = bookChapter.NextComponentInBook;

         chapterId =;


  //  Err(arr_ChapterIds.length);

/*Processing the tasks for each chapter*/

   for(i=0; i<arr_ChapterIds.length;i++)


        var objcid=arr_ChapterIds[i];;


     /* Traversing through the paragraphs*/

     var pgf = objcid.MainFlowInDoc.FirstTextFrameInFlow.FirstPgf;

      while(pgf.ObjectValid() == true)


        totalPgfs = totalPgfs + 1;

        var formatName = pgf.Name;

       var textRange = new TextRange();

        textRange.beg.obj = pgf;

        textRange.beg.offset = 0;

        textRange.end.obj = pgf;

        textRange.end.offset = Constants.FV_OBJ_END_OFFSET;

        var textItems = objcid.GetTextForRange(textRange,

        if(textItems.length > 0)


            pgfText = textItems[0].sdata;

            if(pgfText.length > 50)

                pgfText = pgfText.substring(0, 50);


        else pgfText = "(No text!)";

        if(pgf.Name=="Related_Topics" && textItems.length>0)

         { Err ("Related Topics tag is applied for:"+pgfText+"\n\n");}

        pgf = pgf.NextPgfInFlow;


   var getChangeBarVal=objcid.AutoChangeBars;

   if (getChangeBarVal==1)

           Err("Change Bars are on for:"+cname+"\n\n");


           Err("Change Bars are off for:"+cname+"\n\n");


function openFile(chapterName)


    openProp = GetOpenDefaultParams()

    retParm = new PropVals()


    return fileOpen;


This script runs fine for the first time and displays the result on the
FrameMaker console. However, here are the issues that I am facing:

   - After the execution is finished for  the first time and as I try to
   save the book file, FrameMaker displays an error message
   - If I run the script the next time, FrameMaker becomes completely
   unresponsive needing a forced shutdown

There are many paragraph tags that the script traverses through and
probably stores in a variable. Therefore, I think it may be a memory issue.

Can you please go through the script and help me in debugging the issue.


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