[Framers] 114pp table

Stamm, David David.Stamm at gd-ms.com
Thu Aug 18 06:57:09 PDT 2016


John -

Glad to hear that you're enjoying one of the hallmarks of FrameMaker.  In the "for whatever it's worth" category (ITFWIWC, "IHT-fwik" for those of you who are "into" acronyms, I made that one up) . . .

In 2004-10, I used unstructured FrameMaker and produced a software version description that contained a table of 13 390 rows on 484 pages of size A4 paper.

Once I sorted out the content, which was plain-text, to go into the table, I copied the content and pasted it into FrameMaker.  As I recall, it took FrameMaker about 20 minutes to take in all of that and put it into a table.  After that, it took me fewer than five minutes to make to some relatively-minor adjustments to the table.

And as you indicated, FrameMaker didn't even "breathe hard," let alone "break a sweat" or crash.

FrameMaker showed another of its hallmarks when it correctly handled the numbering of all those rows and the various instances of special numbering elsewhere in the work product.  Sweet.

Back then, I used Shlomo Perets' TimeSavers to help produce the portable document format file that was the deliverable.  Sweeter.

Done, done, done, and done.  Sweetest.

<nostalgicfesponses>Welcome here.</nostalgicfesponses>

Dave Stamm
Information Engineer
General Dynamics Mission Systems
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-----Original Message-----
From: Framers [mailto:framers-bounces+david.stamm=gd-ms.com at lists.frameusers.com] On Behalf Of John Sgammato
Sent: 2016-08-17-Wed 21:22
To: framers at lists.frameusers.com
Subject: [Framers] 114pp table

Through a series of misadventures, I find myself these days working in a file with a table about 2000 rows long. Framemaker's not crashing!  I am not doing anything fancy like merging cells, but I sort the content, add and remove rows and columns, search and replace, etc, and Framemaker's not crashing.
That's a great improvement over table behavior in older versions.
Just thought you ought to know 😀

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