[Framers] Cross reference format (what do you use?)

Sue Thomson Sue.Thomson at ewst.co.uk
Mon Dec 5 00:25:31 PST 2016

Hi, Bernard

I like to keep it clean and simple; the shorter the cross-ref the more distinctive it is, and the less cluttered the effect (particularly important if you need to cross-ref out of a table to a fuller explanation). My cross-refs (except for task lists) take the form[s]:

     [For more information] see Section N.N/Figure N-N/Table N-N

I don't reference a page number, unless absolutely necessary.

I use a character style, rather than quotes, to highlight the cross-ref. Depending upon context, I may also use brackets.

Cross-refs to task lists are another story, however. Our style guide does not allow for numbering the headings of task lists. This causes me immense grief as I have no choice but to reference the heading text. It looks ugly and cumbersome (especially in contrast with the other cross-refs). The consequence is that I have to word the headings to accommodate the way the cross-ref will appear. This always feels as though the tool is dictating the content, though, which is definitely "base above apex". One of these days I shall rebel...;)

BTW I output to print and pdf only.

Hope this helps

Sue Thomson

-----Original Message-----
From: Bernard Aschwanden (Publishing Smarter) [mailto:bernard at publishingsmarter.com] 
Sent: 02 December 2016 15:20
To: framers at lists.frameusers.com
Subject: [Framers] Cross reference format (what do you use?)

Here is a simple question that I'm sure will have a LOT of opinion. I hope...

Building some print-friendly xref formats, and I'm curious what people here actually use. We're all familiar with the function (I think) or at least, we should be.

You may have text like this:

Chapter 1. Canada
Blah blah
1.A Alberta
Blah blah
1.B New Brunswick
Blah blah

Plus you have tables, figures, equations, sections, examples, steps, etc, etc, etc.

You link to stuff like "Canada" or "Chapter 1" or "Chapter 1. Canada" or even "Canada on page 23" or whatever. Some xref content may be "See <$paratext>" or "<$paranumonly>" or "step <$paranumonly>". You may also choose to put in sentences like "For more information see section <$paranumonly> on page\ <$pagenum>. " so that it is a self-contained sentence.

I don't know. There are a LOT of ways to xref to stuff though.

My question is this: What would be the top 3 or 4 ways *you* xref something?
Not the steps to insert an xref, but the way it looks in your output.

What does the code or the xref look like? Do you put in full sentence xrefs?
Do you use words in them? Do you use quotes around content? I know that there are a bizzilion ways to xref stuff, so input would be greatly appreciated.

Lastly, I'm not concerned about online as that can be changed at publish time. What do you do though in the print materials? For example, if I use "For more info see pg <$pagenum>. " as a sentence in the online I can just replace it with <$paranumonly>, or <@paratext>, or whatever. The issue for me is "what do people do for print" in regards to the numbering, text, quotes, etc.

Thanks to all.


Bernard Aschwanden
bernard at publishingsmarter.com


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