[Framers] ExtendScript for save as text, for Git usage ?

Monique Semp monique.semp at earthlink.net
Tue Jun 7 17:17:19 PDT 2016

> Do you really find it useful to diff MIF files very often?

Well, I haven't done it yet because it'd involve so much extra manual work. 
But what I'd like to be able to do is simply scroll through the commit list 
in my Git client (SourceTree on Windows) and have the diffs show 
automatically, just as they do for source code. And with MIF files, that'd 
be possible.

I have noticed, though, that the MIF files are *much* larger than the 
corresponding FM files (a 197 KB FM file became a 952 KB MIF file!), so now 
that I see this, I might rethink it.

But as one more tool to make it easier to see what's been done to a 
particular file, in a way that's not even possible in the FM/FrameMaker 
view, I'd really like to try it.


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