[Framers] FrameMaker 7.2 Not Responding on New PC

Frank Stearns franks at pacifier.com
Tue Mar 1 13:08:47 PST 2016

On Tue, 1 Mar 2016, Robert Lauriston wrote:

> FrameMaker 7.2 was released in 2005. There's no reason to upgrade
> something that works, and no reason to spend time and money on
> upgrades to deal with Microsoft compatibility bugs you can solve for
> free.
> Switching from 7.2 to 13 (2015) could be a lot of work due to the
> switch to Unicode in version 8. Plus there's the learning curve
> introduced by the weird UI layered on in version 9. If you use
> keyboard shortcuts instead of the mouse, the switch could be
> particularly painful.

Amen, Robert.

For us, FM7 has become something of what Word is for a lot of people 
-- a utility word processor for day-to-day tasks. We don't roll out 
the 777 to make a quick trip to the store when the reliable (and fully 
amortized) old Chevy is available.

Oh, and even old FM7 is wayyy more reliable than Word. Plus, if the 
task suddenly got more complex, without breaking stride FM7 could 
sprout some little wings and possibly still get us there, likely 
avoiding the big, expensive machine until it's really needed for 
something it does better (if you'll allow me to torture the 
transportation metaphor. <w>)


Frank Stearns Associates | makers of IXgen(tm) for FrameMaker(r)
*** IXGEN 7-10 for FrameMaker 10/11/12 IS HERE! ***
franks at fsatools.com <mailto:franks at fsatools.com>
1-435-275-8981  http://www.fsatools.com

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