[Framers] Running H/F variable challenge

Heiko Haida info at heiko-haida.de
Wed Mar 16 14:09:34 PDT 2016


Hi Pat, 

you are right, a regular space is discarded, which seems to be a bug. FM
2015 works well with a non-breaking space ("\ "), though... 

You might try other spaces like en-space ("\sn") or em-space ("\sm"). 

Best regards -- Tino H. Haida, Berlin 

2016-03-16 21:22 Pat Christenson: 

> I need a Running H/F variable to work as follows:
> If there's a Heading2, pull the text (such as Overview). If there's an exercise head, pull the exercise number and the text. Heading2 paras don't have an autonumber. Exercises number like this: Exercise\ <n+>: (with a space after the colon)
> So the Running H/F variable should read either Overview or Exercise 2: Create a data point
> I've defined the variable as <$paranum[Exercise,Heading2><$paratext[Exercise,Heading2]>
> It works perfectly except for one thing. I can't get the space after the colon in the autonumber to appear in the header. Instead, it looks like this:
> Exercise 2:Create a data point
> I've tried using a non-breaking space after the colon in the autonumber but that doesn't work either.
> Help is appreciated.
> Pat Christenson
> Senior Technical Writer, Client Education
> Morningstar, Inc.
> pat.christenson at morningstar.com

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