[Framers] Rick's Ride and Suggestions for Plugin

Monique Semp monique.semp at earthlink.net
Wed May 18 07:36:48 PDT 2016

>   * FrameInside/FrameOutside (or FrameLeft/FrameRight, if other settings
   switch inside/outside to left/right) - Similar to
   FrameAbove/FrameBelow, this would basically be a way to define in a
   Paragraph Style that a reference-page graphic is to float out of the
   text frame to the inside/outside (left/right) of the paragraph to which
   the style is applied.

>   I could have used such functionality SO MANY TIMES with various
   admonishment styles (e.g., caution) or form-creation tricks (e.g., Done
   checkboxes nextt to major steps in a procedure).

I'm not sure I'm understanding this exactly, but perhaps this is similar to 
Chris Despopoulos' RefIcons plugin? Although it's not supported anymore (I 
don't see it on the CudSpan site, http://cudspan.net/plugins/), I've been 
using it for years to create great looking "alerts" (caution, note, tip, 
warning, etc.). So perhaps RefIcons can serve as a starting point for an 
updated tool?


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