[Framers] View Only/Editable Toggle

Oran Petersen orandeep at comcast.net
Fri Nov 4 23:14:10 PDT 2016

In addition to Urazula's solution below, the newer versions of Frame also have a padlock icon on the quick access bar that does the toggle. Open a new file, turn on the Quick Access Bar, make active the view only file and click the padlock. You can also select all of the files in a book to change them all. If the top file in the book is view only, the padlock sets all selected files to editable. If the top file is editable the padlock sets all selected files to view only. 

Since I always forget the lock combination, I use a bit longer way to 
unlock the document, but easier on memory. 

Create a new blank FM file 

>From the top menu select Special>Hypertext... 

Once you have the Hypertext dialog box open, one of the buttons on the 
bottom right is "Make View Only" or "Make Editable". 

If you switch between the documents, you can lock and unlock your file 
without remembering the complicated shortcut keys. 

Best regards, 


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