[Framers] table footing - possible only on last page ?

Robert Lauriston robert at lauriston.com
Thu Nov 10 14:51:15 PST 2016

Did you explain to the reviewer that the purpose of a footing row is
to let the reader see the column labels when they're viewing the
bottom half of the page?

On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 12:27 PM, Monique Semp
<monique.semp at earthlink.net> wrote:
>> Are you talking about a footer row, or a table footnote? Footer rows appear on every page the table is on, footnotes appear after the entire table (and I wish that were something you could toggle between). If the row doesn't appear on every page, then it's not really a footer, is it?
>> If you want something that looks like a footer row but only appears at the end of the table, I'd create it as a regular row and apply custom ruling and shading to make it look like other footers.
> I meant a “footing row”, in the terminology of the Add Rows or Columns dialog box where you can add row(s) “To Footing”. Good to know that there’s an official Table Footnote thing—I didn’t realize that. And yes, I agree: if a row isn’t on every page, it’s not really a footer.
> So I’m going with your suggestion: just put the footing info as the last (regular) row and apply the appropriate ruling/shading for the appearance that I want.
> Thanks,
> -Monique

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