[Framers] "Secret" Freeze Pagination Feature

Grant Hogarth grant at hedgewizard.net
Tue Apr 25 07:46:40 PDT 2017

Hi Stefan;
     I used it a few times back in the day (I've been using FM since v2) 
to create "insert" pages (for documents that were printed and stored in 
3-ring binders). These pages would be updates to the existing document. 
That said, I have not used the feature in many years, and I'm not sure 
it is useful outside of a paper-based environment. I suppose one could 
create such a page as something to be inserted into a PDF, but I'd have 
to be convinced of the value of that in comparison to a linked list of 
I'd much rather have an in-built tracking option that I could use to 
flag changes and be able to add an auto-generated list of changes 
chapter to a publication. (I see it as similar to the existing LOF/LOI 


------ Original Message ------
From: "Shmuel Wolfson" <shmuelw1 at gmail.com>
To: "Framers - frameusers.com" <framers at lists.frameusers.com>
Sent: 4/25/2017 6:58:59 AM
Subject: Re: [Framers] "Secret" Freeze Pagination Feature

>You understood me correctly, but the user should be able to define 
>several styles.
>As a take-off on your idea (of warning before printing), how about a 
>way to check (via a menu command) if the TOC is out of sync, in 
>addition to the warning before printing. However, this should include 
>chapter TOCs as well. If your feature would work for mini-TOCs but not 
>text inset TOCs, I guess that would be good enough, even though I have 
>tons of docs that still use the text inset TOCs.
>Another option would be to have a warning in the dialog box that opens 
>after a book update that the TOC (and maybe LOF or LOT) has changes in 
>chapter X, and that you should update the local TOC if one exists. This 
>would be enough to address my issue of headings changing pages. 
>Actually there is a potential problem with this solution that if you 
>use only three heading levels in the TOC, but use four levels in the 
>chapter TOC, it would be have check for that also.
>Also, your idea does not address tables that have rows that move onto a 
>new page. I think a warning as the table rows actually move to a new 
>page would be a good idea for this problem.
>Shmuel Wolfson
>Technical Writer
>On 25-Apr-17 3:15 PM, Stefan Gentz wrote:
>>Hi Shmuel,
>>thanks for your answer. I'm not sure if I completely understand the 
>>requirement. Do I understand right, that you would like to be able to 
>>define a specific style (e.g. "Heading1") in some sort of 
>>"Repagination Warning Setup" (dialog) and whenever you add or remove 
>>content somewhere that makes one of the paragraphs tagged with 
>>"Heading1" on some other page move to some other page you get a 
>>warning message? (Same for the table example you mentioned.)
>>Plus: I'm just wondering right now, if a feature that automatically 
>>warns you when you want to save as PDF / print that your automatically 
>>generated lists (TOC, IX etc.) are "out of sync" and recommends to 
>>update them. Would that be useful?
>>   Regards,
>>Stefan Gentz
>>Adobe Worldwide TechComm Evangelist
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Framers 
>>[mailto:framers-bounces+gentz=adobe.com at lists.frameusers.com] On 
>>Behalf Of Shmuel Wolfson
>>Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2017 13:58
>>To: framers at lists.frameusers.com
>>Subject: Re: [Framers] "Secret" Freeze Pagination Feature
>>Hi Stefan,
>>Instead of freeze pagination, what I would like is a pagination 
>>This feature would, when turned on, warn you when a paragraph with one 
>>of the user-specified specified styles moves to a new page, and when 
>>some rows of a table end up on a new page. This would be helpful when 
>>editing a doc, so that you know when the pagination changed and the 
>>TOC needs to be updated, or to look over the tables to see where rows 
>>moved to a new page. For extra credit, the feature would also provide 
>>a list of where these changes occurred. This would be a great help. 
>>Many times after a few edits, I find myself reviewing the entire doc 
>>to see where the headings appear and updating all the TOCs just in 
>>case a heading, table caption or figure caption, moved to a new page.
>>The current feature the way it is is pretty much useless to me.
>>Shmuel Wolfson
>>Technical Writer
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