[Framers] Defining a variable

Tammy Van Boening tammyvb at spectrumwritingllc.com
Mon Dec 18 12:10:42 PST 2017

I am defining a new user variable for a document that I am working on, and
the variable is titled "Documentation Type" and it is set to "Product X
Technical Documentation." I have another user-defined variable titled "Book
Name" that is set to <TBD> and is updated accordingly when used in a book.
Is there a way to define the Documentation Type variable so that it includes
the user-defined variable of Book Name like this: 


Product X Technical Documentation: <Book Name> so that when the Book Name
variable is updated for a book, the Documentation Type variable also gets
updated? I know you can't use system variables when defining user variables,
but can a user-defined variable be used when defining another user variable?






Tammy Van Boening


Spectrum Writing, LLC

Tammy dot Vanboening at spectrumwritingllc.com



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