[Framers] Question about differentiating heading levels

Stamm, David David.Stamm at gd-ms.com
Mon Jan 23 13:25:19 PST 2017


Tammy -

In our "commercial" template, all headings are bold.

We start Heading_1 at 24 pt.  Heading_2 is 16 pt.  Heading_3, 14 pt; Heading_4, 12 pt.

We go down to Heading_4 but not further although we are sometimes asked to have headings five.

Good luck
Dave Stamm
Information Engineer

-----Original Message-----
From: Framers [mailto:framers-bounces+david.stamm=gd-ms.com at lists.frameusers.com] On Behalf Of Tammy Van Boening
Sent: 2017-01-23-Monday 16:11
To: framers at lists.frameusers.com
Subject: [Framers] Question about differentiating heading levels

Hi All,

Working on a new template for a new client and my head is spinning. It's been sooooooo long since I have designed anything w/ all these required bells and whistles. (I am more of plain Jane template kinda' gal, and want to focus more on the technical content of big honking manual, but that's a whole 'nuther story.)

That said, I have the following paragraph tags:

Chapter Title and Appendix Title, both 28 pt and the tags have a Reference Graphic called TitleLine underneath them that is a single line done in a corporate color and font for my client and of a preferred width. These tags are used only on the first page of a chapter or appendix.

HeadLev1, which is used at the Top of the Page. It is 24 pt. and in the same corporate font in Regular weight and in good old black w/out any other adornments and is In Column.

HeadLev2, which can start anywhere, is obviously used after a HeadingLev1, is 16 pt and the same corporate font Regular weight in good old black  w/out any other adornments and is In Column.

I will need at times to have a HeadLev3. . . not frequent, but needed. It needs to be delineated somehow from HeadLev2. I am not really crazy about going down a font size, unless  maybe making it bold instead? Or do I keep it the same font size as HeadLevel 2 and maybe put like a thin double-line underneath it? 

I am just curious how y'all have made a distinct difference between Heading2s and Heading3s w/out overdoing a Heading3. 

Because I cannot have any sideheads in this template (a single text frame), everything is In Column, so I can't make everything other than a Heading3 go across columns/sideheads and keep the Heading3s just like Heading2s but make them  In Column instead (which is my usual approach).

Tammy Van Boening
Spectrum Writing, LLC
TammyVB  *AT*  spectrumwritingllc  *DOT*  com


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