[Framers] List of references

Barlow, Patrick N patrick.n.barlow at boeing.com
Wed Jan 25 12:20:38 PST 2017

We have master pages in our documents with several text boxes. One for the header information, One for the main text flow, and one for the footer information. This works well for our documents. The issue is that when we create a list of references from one of our documents the list is created in the footer text box that only has enough room for one line on a page. This document has 67 imported graphics so the document it produces has 67 pages. Every other document we have does not do this. Every other document creates the list in the main text flow text box and so the document produced would only be one page long. I can fix this by importing the page layouts from another document. I was just wondering if any of you know what is causing this?


Patrick N Barlow
Technical Publications
Technology Group
(405) 458-6641

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