[Framers] Font size in marker windows, in FM2017

kouroo at kouroo.info kouroo at kouroo.info
Mon Mar 20 14:05:22 PDT 2017

>  The font size of the marker window is the same in 2017 as it is in earlier versions. 
> So you will be very disappointed (and upset) if you upgrade to 2017 and expect
> a larger font in the marker window.

When Adobe released FM2017, they claimed to have finally made it compatible with high-density screens, but I noticed that their screen grabs did not include any demonstration of this. Since I suspected that they were merely lying again, I contacted a sales rep and promised that I would upgrade *immediately* to FM2017, *paying whatever price*,  if only they would provide me with a screen grab that demonstrated that they were at long last telling the truth -- that their newest release was indeed compatible with high-density screens. When the sales rep was (predictably) nonresponsive, I presumed that this meant that they were lying again. -- Now I see, from this thread, that unfortunately this was an accurate assessment.

Please pardon me for anger at their disrespect of their customer base -- after passing through every release of FrameMaker since long before Adobe acquired it, I am 79 now, and my eyes have become my severe limiting condition.

Austin Meredith, kouroo at kouroo.info

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