[Framers] Framemaker 5.5

David Klein oldradioxminus1 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 20 16:30:26 PDT 2017

I am a retired technical writer who cannot afford to upgrade to a later

I have been using Framemaker to write my autobiography on an older computer
running Windows XP. I purchased a newer computer running Windows 7
Professional that has the ability to set up a windows virtual PC. I finally
figured out the way to get it to work over the weekend, and installed
Framemaker 5.5 and my Epson XP-420 printer. I am able to make a file and
print it,

The problem is trying to save the file so that I can integrate it with the
many other files I have saved to a portable drive using my old XP computer.

When I connect this drive to the Windows 7 it is fully recognized as a
separate drive. When I open the files, the titles are shown. Of course,
because the software is not recognized by Windows 7 Professional, the
actual files are not shown.

Here is the problem. When I am in wndows virtual PC and go to save a file
in the portable drive I get the following: \\tsclient\J on Entire Network
with MyBackup in the center. When I attempt to open MyBackup I get a list
of very old programs with a question: Do I want to convert? I feel sure
this is generated by Framemaker 5.5 because of the age of the programs. In
other words it does not recognize Framemaker as an option.

It seems I have no option to save a file generated within windows virtual
PC to an external device. If there is a way, I would like to hear it.

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